Monday, September 27, 2010

Suggestion Bucket

You suggest, we respond!
  • Atlantis: Milo's Return We did own this at one point - I think it was stolen or broken. We'll replace it. Sometime.
  • You should get Star Wars games and other games. I'm assuming you mean Wii etc. games. We hope to have a gaming collection someday, but right now there's no budget, security, or place for it. Someday!
  • I can't stop hiccuping and other stories, Charlie and Lola, movie. We have all the Charlie and Lola movies, but I don't remember this story being on any of them. We're getting the book soon!
  • Skippyjon Jones series. We own several Skippyjon Jones books - I'll see if we can add the last two we haven't got.
  • Love comes softly dvds. I've passed this on to the librarian who orders movies for teens and adults.

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