Friday, February 26, 2010

Suggestion Bucket

Another new feature! I'll be responding to suggestions here - you can see all the past suggestions and responses under "Reading Lists and Other Resources" in the sidebar.

Suggestion: "all about fashion/how to design clothes for beginners"

We have several great resources on this subject! Check out two cool books in the teen nonfiction section, Passion for Fashion: Careers in Style by Jeanne Beker and The Teen Vogue Handbook: An Insider's Guide to Careers in Fashion. You might also want to look at Kiki Magazine in the children's magazines. It's focused on fashion with writing, movies, and other girl-focused stuff as well. For more books specifically on sewing, look under 646.2 in the juvenile and adult nonfiction.

Suggestion: "all about gymnastics"

We have a few books on gymnastics under 796.44 in the juvenile and adult nonfiction. Ask a librarian to help you request more and newer books from other libraries! I'm hoping to update our sports section next year and gymnastics is on the list of topics!

Suggestion: "a book about math history"

Ask a librarian for help or search for the subject "mathematics--history" to find books on this topic.

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